GTX 1660 super, The latest Nvidia cards from the super and directed to the owners of the economic category. This card came with improvements in the speed of performance with slightly boosted clocks and faster GDDR6 memory instead of the GDDR5 used on the original 1660.
As a series of mid-generation, NVIDIA’s Super cards have certainly lived up to the task. While none of these cards bring anything new to the table in terms of performance, they all have given NVIDIA’s price-to-performance ratio a swift kick upwards, and as the latest Super card, this is the case for the Graphics Card as well. The net result is that while these cards don’t radically redefine the video card landscape.
From a hardware perspective, you can either look at the new GeForce GTX 1660 Super as a GTX 1660 with a much-needed upgrade to GDDR6 memory.
The Graphics Card is a very fast cart for its market segment, and because it’s so similar to the GTX 1660 Ti in configuration, it’s also similar to it in performance, only trailing NVIDIA’s fastest 1660 card by a few percents.
This perhaps isn’t remarkable in and of itself, but what the Graphics Card doesn’t bring to the table in terms of new hardware, it brings to the table in terms of pricing.
As a result, at current prices the GTX 1660 Super all but makes the other GTX 1660 cards redundant; the Ti isn’t fast enough to justify the price, and the isn’t cheap enough to justify the performance hit.
Ultimately, while NVIDIA’s current 10 card product stack is a bit unwieldy, once you reach the GTX 1660 series, there’s really only one card to consider, and that the GTX 1660 Super.