Xiaomi continues to make waves with its Smart Band 8 series. Today, we embark on a comprehensive journey, dissecting the intricacies of two remarkable members of this family – the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 and its sibling, the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active. In this detailed exploration, we will navigate through the dimensions, appearance, and design nuances, and displays, delve into the software functionalities that set them apart, and scrutinize their health monitoring features. As we traverse through the various aspects, we’ll touch upon the user experience, including call-answering capabilities, and crucial battery life and charging dynamics.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

Moreover, the pricing factor, always a significant consideration, will be thoroughly examined to aid in your decision-making process. By the end of this journey, we aim to equip you with a holistic understanding of the strengths and distinctions between the Smart Band 8 and Smart Band 8 Active to choose the perfect companion for your fitness and lifestyle needs. So, welcome to the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active comparison– let the exploration begin!

Design and Build Quality

The Xiaomi Smart Band 8 and Smart Band 8 Active stand as formidable contenders, each with its unique set of physical attributes. The first noticeable difference lies in the physical dimensions of the two models. The Smart Band 8 Active, measuring 42 x 25 x 10.4 mm, presents a more compact form factor compared to the Smart Band 8, which comes in at 48 x 22 x 1 mm. Despite the variation in size, both models share a common weight of 15 grams, ensuring a lightweight and comfortable user experience.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

Moving beyond dimensions, the aesthetic appeal of these wearables plays a pivotal role. The Smart Band 8 showcases a stylish design with a glossy finish, offering a contemporary and visually appealing look. On the flip side, the Smart Band 8 Active takes a different approach, adopting a more angular, rectangular shape. The body of the Active model is crafted from matte plastic and a 2.5D tempered glass screen, giving it a distinct appearance that sets it apart from its sibling.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

The strap fastening mechanism becomes a focal point. The Smart Band 8 introduces a novel and convenient strap fastening system, allowing users to effortlessly remove the straps. This not only enhances ease of use but also broadens the wearability options, enabling users to don the device not only on their wrists but also as a pendant around their necks, offering a touch of versatility to the user experience.

In contrast, the Smart Band 8 Active opts for a more traditional strap insertion method. While this ensures a secure fit on the wrist, it limits the wearability options compared to its counterpart. The difference in strap fastening mechanisms adds a layer of versatility to the Smart Band 8, making it a more adaptable accessory for users with varied style preferences.

Display Quality

Visual scrutiny of the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active and Smart Band 8 uncovers intriguing differences. Despite initial impressions suggesting a larger screen on the Active model, the reality is the opposite. The Xiaomi Smart Band 8 boasts a vibrant 1.62-inch AMOLED screen, showcasing a resolution of 192 by 490 pixels with superior brightness at 600 nits. AMOLED technology is renowned for delivering rich, saturated colors, deep blacks, and excellent contrast, providing users with a visually immersive experience. The high resolution ensures crisp details, making it ideal for displaying intricate watch faces and fitness metrics.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

Moreover, the Smart Band 8 incorporates a 60Hz refresh rate, contributing to smoother animations and transitions. The inclusion of Always On Display technology enhances convenience, allowing users to glance at the time and essential information without raising their wrists. The pixel density of 326 ppi ensures clarity, making every piece of information easily readable.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

Contrastingly, the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active opts for a 1.47-inch TFT display with a resolution of 172 by 320 pixels. TFT displays are known for their cost-effectiveness and suitability for budget-friendly devices. While lacking the deep blacks and vibrant colors of AMOLED, the TFT panel provides satisfactory brightness and visibility.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active Review: A Perfect Budget Fitness Companion Under $30

The Smart Band 8 Active’s display achieves a maximum brightness of 447 nits, ensuring readability even in outdoor environments. However, unlike its counterpart, it lacks the automatic brightness adjustment feature, requiring users to manually adjust brightness settings. The refresh rate of the Active model is capped at 30Hz, slightly lower than the Smart Band 8, which might result in less fluid animations. The pixel density of 247 ppi, though marginally lower than the Smart Band 8, still ensures a reasonably sharp display.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active Review: A Perfect Budget Fitness Companion Under $30

Multi Watch Faces

The watch face, often considered the window to a smart wearable’s soul, holds the power to personalize and enhance the user experience. When it comes to the Smart Band 8, users are greeted with a mixture of watch face options, ranging from sleek and minimalist designs to more intricate and dynamic displays. The variety extends beyond mere aesthetics, allowing users to tailor their devices to match their style or mood. The inclusion of built-in games like Sudoku and 2048 on certain watch faces adds an element of entertainment.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

Contrastingly, the Watch Face on the Smart Band 8 Active takes a more straightforward approach. Users will find a selection of conventional watch faces with different styles, omitting the playful additions found in their counterparts. While some may view this as a minor detail, the absence of mini-games might leave users on the Active model yearning for a bit of diversion during moments of downtime.

Moving on to the functionalities of the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active supports notifications, offering default widgets for weather forecasts and music control. Users can further customize their experience by adding widgets such as stats, heart rate, blood oxygen, sleep, and more. However, a notable difference surfaces in the absence of certain functions on the Active model, such as running assistant, vitality, AliPay, breathing, cycles, flashlight, and focus.

Fitness Tracking Features

Both the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 and Smart Band 8 Active boast an impressive array of fitness tracking features. From basic step counting to advanced workout modes, these wearables cater to a diverse range of users. The Smart Band 8 takes the lead with its comprehensive functionality, offering swimming tracking, automatic activity detection, and an interactive boxing mode. These features provide users with a holistic fitness experience, allowing them to monitor various aspects of their physical activities.

On the other hand, the Band 8 Active, while robust in its own right, lacks certain functionalities present in the Smart Band 8. Users must weigh their preferences and intended use to determine which model aligns better with their fitness goals. It’s essential to note that some of the Smart Band 8’s features are specific to the Chinese version of the application, introducing an additional layer of consideration for global users.

An intriguing aspect of the software functionality lies in the application specifics, particularly the differences between the Chinese and global versions. The Smart Band 8, in its Chinese iteration, introduces additional features like built-in GPS, enabling precise tracking during workouts. However, for global users, these features might not be readily accessible, potentially impacting the overall functionality.

Health Monitoring Features

The Xiaomi Smart Band 8 series, comprising the Smart Band 8 and Smart Band 8 Active, offers a robust suite of health monitoring features, transcending traditional fitness tracking. Both devices prioritize continuous heart rate monitoring, sophisticated sleep tracking, and SpO2 measurement, providing users with comprehensive insights into their cardiovascular health and overall well-being. Stress level monitoring adds a crucial mental health dimension, empowering users to manage stress effectively.

The versatility of these smart bands extends to activity and workout tracking, with over 50 workout modes catering to diverse fitness preferences. For female users, the Smart Band 8 introduces menstrual cycle monitoring, addressing unique health needs. Beyond standard health metrics, the Smart Band 8 introduces vitality and breathing training applications, emphasizing mental well-being and relaxation. These features contribute to a holistic health approach, setting Xiaomi’s Smart Band 8 series apart as comprehensive health companions.

Our comprehensive review includes a direct comparison of heart rate and blood oxygen measurements between the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 and Smart Band 8 Active. Initial results indicate similar heart rate measurements during calm periods, with a slight deviation in oxygen saturation levels.

After engaging in physical activities, the heart rate readings remain comparable, reinforcing the reliability of Xiaomi’s sensors across both models. However, a nuanced difference in step count accuracy during a 30-minute walk raises interesting questions about the intricacies of each device’s step-tracking algorithms.

App Integration

Pairing with the Mi Fitness App, the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active seamlessly integrates into the user’s digital ecosystem. The app offers tabs for Health, Workout, Device, and Profile. Users can customize watch faces, receive notifications, and access a range of health monitoring functions, including heart rate, sleep, blood oxygen, and standing.

The app’s functionality extends to alarm settings, weather updates, event syncing, widget customization, app sorting, and device-related settings such as PIN code support and firmware updates. The user-friendly interface enhances the overall experience, making it a vital companion to the Smart Band 8 Active.

Battery Life and Charging

In the case of the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 series, both the Smart Band 8 and Smart Band 8 Active boast impressive battery capacities, ensuring they stay functional throughout your daily activities. Equipped with a 190mAh battery, the Smart Band 8 takes the lead in terms of longevity. Under typical usage conditions, this fitness tracker promises an extended battery life of up to 16 days. Even with features like Always-On Display activated, the Smart Band 8 manages to deliver a commendable performance, making it a reliable companion for extended periods between charges.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

On the other hand, the Smart Band 8 Active houses a slightly larger 210mAh battery. While one might assume a larger battery would translate to a longer lifespan, the Active model offers a typical usage duration of around 14 days. Despite the shorter period compared to its counterpart, this is still a respectable timeframe.

Charging the Smart Band 8 is a swift process, requiring just one hour to reach a full charge. This quick turnaround ensures that users spend less time tethered to charging cables and more time enjoying the features and functionalities of their fitness tracker.

The Smart Band 8 Active, with its marginally larger battery, takes a bit longer to charge fully. Users can expect the Active model to reach 100% charge in approximately 1 hour and 55 minutes. While this is slightly longer than its sibling, it remains a relatively short charging duration, offering a hassle-free experience. The positive aspect here is the consistent use of the same charging cable across all Xiaomi fitness bracelets, ensuring practicality for users.

Price Comparison

  • Smart Band 8 Active: Available at an attractive price point of $22, the Smart Band 8 Active positions itself as a budget-friendly option, making it an appealing choice for cost-conscious consumers.
  • Smart Band 8: Priced slightly higher at $40, the Smart Band 8 justifies its cost with additional features and a more advanced display technology. Despite the slight price difference, it offers a compelling set of functionalities for users willing to invest a bit more.

Conclusion: Choosing Your Ideal Xiaomi Smart Band 8

In this exploration of the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 series, we’ve navigated through the details that distinguish the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 from its sibling, the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active. As the curtains draw on this comparison, it’s evident that both wearables bring unique strengths to the table.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

If you prioritize a sleek design, vibrant AMOLED display, and an array of additional functionalities, the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 emerges as a compelling choice. Its extensive software features, diverse watch face options, and advanced health monitoring capabilities make it a comprehensive fitness companion.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 vs. Smart Band 8 Active: A Detailed Analysis of Features, Design, and Performance

On the other hand, if budget considerations are at the forefront of your decision-making process, the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active stands tall as an affordable alternative. Despite a slightly smaller TFT display and some feature omissions, it retains core health-tracking elements and serves as a commendable entry into the world of smart wearables.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Active Review: A Perfect Budget Fitness Companion Under $30
FeatureXiaomi Smart Band 8Smart Band 8 Active
Design and Build QualityDimensions: 48 x 22 x 1 mmDimensions: 42 x 25 x 10.4 mm
Weight: 15gWeight: 15g
Glossy finish, stylish designMatte plastic, angular, rectangular shape
Novel strap fastening mechanismTraditional strap insertion
Versatile wear optionsLimited to wrist
Display Quality1.62-inch AMOLED, 192 x 490 pixels, 600 nits brightness1.47-inch TFT, 172 x 320 pixels, 400 nits brightness
60Hz refresh rate, Always On Display30Hz refresh rate, no Always On Display
Multi Watch FacesDiverse watch face options, mini-gamesConventional watch faces, no mini-games
Similar health-tracking capabilitiesSwimming tracking, interactive boxing modeRobust fitness tracking
Advanced workout modesAdditional features in the Chinese version
Health Monitoring FeaturesContinuous heart rate, sleep, SpO2, stress monitoringSome features are limited in global version
Some features are limited in the global versionNo menstrual cycle monitoring (Smart Band 8 Active)
Vitality and breathing training applicationsLimited functionalities on Smart Band 8 Active
App IntegrationMi Fitness App compatibilityMi Fitness App compatibility
Additional features in the Chinese versionThe same charging cable for all Xiaomi fitness bracelets
Battery Life and Charging190mAh battery, up to 16 days210mAh battery, up to 14 days
1-hour full charge time1 hour 55 minutes full charge time
Same charging cable for all Xiaomi fitness braceletsSame charging cable for all Xiaomi fitness bracelets